About Reusable Dishes
(Formerly “4event”)
Visit from & to Bündnis 90 /
The Greens
The Green Party in Germany has launched a green action plan against plastic waste. The party would like to strengthen the unique and well-developed reusable system again. Environmentally harmful disposable packaging should therefore be replaced by environmentally friendly reusable solutions such as reusable dishes from Reusable Dishes. Our products are the perfect solution for events and festivals in particular!
Packaging tax & bans
Avoiding waste and pollution is becoming increasingly important and is a political issue. Tübingen is setting a good example here: the packaging tax on disposable packaging has been in force here since 2022.
Why we rely on reusable packaging
We want to put an end to the use of unnecessary and environmentally harmful disposable containers. In the following pictures you can see the large quantities of garbage that are left behind after major events.